Thursday, October 4, 2012

1st debate, a battle of unicorns and dragons.

We're all idiots, because we are all arguing who won last nights debate. No one won. America lost. We watched a debate, where the conservative candidate changed his views on camera, and the Liberal candidate was so flustered by these lies that he couldn't respond accordingly.

I'm gonna throw this up here, because it's probably gonna be long, and heinous, and mean. Whereas I would normally put things on facebook, to avoid constant finger-pointing from conservative former classmates and apparently their conservative parents; (seriously, who the f*** are you?!) I'll try and limit my diatribes to this blog, so you can read 'em if you want to, but then can't complain about 'em if you dont.

First of all, yes the president fumbled. He missed some opportunities; but you would too. Read these Actual Facts from the Debate

No shit, the president fumbled. He prepared to defend his policies and argue about his opponents policies (fyi that's what a fucking debate is about, not who looked at the camera more) and then when Romney began making remarks, he opens up his mouth and rainbows and centaurs jump out. Romney completely flipped his positions to date or straight up made facts up. THEN he had the audacity (of hope) to call out the president for fact stretching.

Repeatedly over the first 45 minutes (great job corralling the debate by the way Jim) Romney delcared that he didn't have a 5 trillion dollar tax cut, and discredited the president by accusing him of making up this figure. MITT, YOU PROPOSE A 20% CUT IN TAXES, RIGHT THERE ON YOUR WEBSITE, ROUGHLY 5 TRILLION DOLLARS in stand alone individual taxes. right there!

So He tries to clarify, ok he has a neutral tax platform. He says (also right there on the website!) that there will be no change in taxes, that his "closing loopholes" will make up for this 5 trillion dollar tax cut. But to date he hasn't mentioned how this is MATHEMATICALLY POSSIBLE. then once he's explained that, he goes on to repeat, that he doesn't have this 5 trillion dollar tax cut, WHICH IS LISTED AS PART OF HIS ECONOMIC PLAN AND THAT HE JUST ADMITTED TO HAVING.

So the president clarifies, yes you have a neutral plan, you claim to make up for this tax cut by closing loopholes, we can ignore the 5 trillion dollar elephant in the room if we can prove that its being balanced out. He straight up asks you how you plan to do this, and you respond by repeating that your plan has no such tax cut. How Stupid do you think i am? Conservatives reading this, show me where in his plan he points out arithmetically how he's going to make up for this cut? Because I can sure as shit show you on his website where he states that a 20% tax cut is part of his plan. A bold faced lie to the american people.

If that wasn't bad enough, he the ignores the moderator everytime, demanding that he be allowed to respond, and straight up insults Jim Lehrer! How should he be given the right to respond when he stands there and makes shit up!

You want to declare victory conservatives? What are you declaring victory over? That your candidate lies to his constituents? 47% of whom are apparently leeches? Are you that blind? Your candidate may have looked calmer, and spoke forcefully. But he did so in an event that was no longer a debate, it was a platform for lies and deceit. Is this how you want your candidate to win? By completely changing his standpoints on policies and doing it with a shit eating grin on his face?

His campaign gets huge sums of cash from wall street, and up until now he hasn't had a problem with it. But once he's on TV, he shakes that etchasketch and says that Dodd-Frank should've be opposed because its regulations help those dirty New York bankers. Yeah dummy, it also kept us afloat and not eating horse stew.

He claimed that we need better education and he wont cut funding. He wants to hire more teachers, how on earth does this man keep inventing more money? Is there really that much stowed away in offshore accounts that he hides from the public?

Someone's Dad, (their dad!) told me my facts were based on liberal bias. Well chief, that's because FACT seems to be inherently a liberal idea. Of course most media outlets are slightly liberal, they seek to convey fact to viewers. Conservative media outlets who normally just make shit up, don't have to this time around. The man they want to be POTUS, has done their fantasy writing for them. Watch out G.R.R. Martin, Romney's pretty good at inventing whole worlds himself.

Every one of you sitting at your desk today extolling Romney's debate victory should be absolutely ashamed of yourselves. Not because you choose a conservative candidate, because honestly, politicians lie; its what they do best, but because you are extolling a victory for this liar based on his invention of facts. Either you are too blind of a lemming to actually check these facts yourself, or worse you are so corrupt and evil, that you have become immune to Romney's imaginary promises, just so you can get a victory in the white house.

What happens if Romney is elected, and he actually has to show how he plans on making up these deficits? What happens when he has to actually develop policies that make sense, instead of relying on the stupidity of Americans to believe whatever wagon of bullshit he's selling as gold? I honestly hope we don't see that day, but if you keep ignoring how the self declared "winner" won, then we're all in for a world of hurt.